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Wednesday Pack Activities

Adventure Pack

The best part of today's hike came about halfway through, as we were heading up the Chautauqua Trail. Sputnik was on leash with me, with Dylan following about 10 yards behind, and Ruffers bringing up the rear about 10 yards behind Dylan. A couple hikers were headed down the mountain, and as they approached, one of the guys said, "Oh my god, It's a dog train! Choo-choo! Here comes the dog train! I love you all!" It was hilarious, and the pack all seemed happy about the attention they received. In fact, a number of hikers commented on what good dogs they all were, at various points throughout our hike.

Variety Pack

Imogene and Rey were so busy wrestling around with each other before our walk that Zoey and Poppy didn't even try to get in on it. As wild as Imogene was about Rey, she was much quicker to fall into pace once we got going today. Zoey was our lead sniffer for the first part of the walk, with the rest of the pack following behind her to smell what was up. That flipped for the second half of the walk, when Zoey was happy just to walk along, while the others were letting their noses guide them to various bushes and tufts of grass beside the path.


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