Monday Pack Activities
Adventure Pack
Lizzo was hilarious in the water again today. She did a lot of play-bowing and jumping around at the edge of the bank, splashing in the shallows. I'm pretty sure she was just trying to get Riley to play with her, but it almost seemed like she expected the water itself to respond to her invitation. Riley threw her head around playfully in front of Lizzo when she waded by her, chomping at the water as she went. Sputnik and Ruffers did their own things, with Ruffers sniffing at the water's surface as she waded upstream, and Sputnik just relaxing in place.
Variety Pack
Lou, Zoey, Ruby, Carl, and Rey headed to CU South this afternoon. Carl was right by Rey's side the whole time, as Rey led him on races up the trail and investigations through the tall grass. Lou and Ruby lingered behind together, sniffing around in the shade of trees before trotting to catch up with the rest of the pack. Zoey stayed on leash, since she is recovering from a leg injury and needs to not push it too much. At one point, Rey led Carl into a very muddy ditch, and the two of them came out looking like a couple of pigs from the wallow. Lou almost followed them in, but listened better than her packmates when I called her away from the mess. They hopped into clearer water a minute later, which helped wash most of the muck away, but they still had a lingering odor afterward.