Monday Pack Activities
Adventure Pack
Rucksack, Roger Roger, and Sputnik all hopped up on a big boulder along the Mesa Trail this morning. Mamacita didn't make the leap to get up on top of it, and hung out on solid earth instead. The slope up to the mesa was very icy and slick. Finding firm footing on the way up and down was a perilous proposition, but the pack bore with me as I slowly made my way.
Variety Pack
Rey and Zoey were full of energy when they got together this afternoon. After their initial flurry of excitement, little Zoe joined in with them and they all got work up again. After that, we set out for our walk around Wonderland Lake. Zoe, Zoey, and Rey left their wild energy behind and walked along very nicely with Ruffers and Milo. We made a few stops along the way for the pack to sniff around and relieve themselves. There was only one area where the pack lingered, and everyone sniffed around at the ground with frantic enthusiasm. I'm not sure what they discovered there since all I saw was short grass and a dirt, but they were all on the same page about the compelling nature of the odors to be found there.