Wednesday Pack Activities
Adventure Pack
Ruffers brought up the rear, taking her time to sniff at the edges of the trail as we made our way around CU South this morning. Griff went the other way, and played scout for us. Mamacita and Sputnik stayed on leash with me. A horse came onto the trail some distance behind us, and Ruffers stared for a good, long while before turning her attention to a nearby puppy. The pack all went and sniffed hello with the pup while I got Ruffers and Griff on leash to lead everyone away from the horse. Later on, we came across a Bernese Mountain Dog who was out with another dog walker, Jacqui. Sputnik wasn't as friendly toward the Berner as he had been with the puppy, so we didn't linger.
Variety Pack
Poppy and Rey greeted each other with a flurry of kisses to each other's faces, when Rey hopped into the packmobile this afternoon. Meanwhile, Dylan was thinking about climbing into the driver's seat, as he has become accustomed to doing whenever I'm absent from it. Zoey and Roger Roger were just chilling out in the back with Griff and Mamacita, who were yet to be dropped off from their outing with the Adventure Pack. When we headed out for our walk along the Bear Creek Path, Zoey and Roger Roger maintained their relaxed demeanor, and Rey fell into formation beside them. Poppy pulled ahead pretty consistently throughout the walk; however, the degree of effort she put into that endeavor was more tempered than in past walks, and she went for a few stretches along the return leg without pulling at all. We crossed over one metal grate along the way, which Dylan nimbly hurdled on our way out, but didn't react to on the way back. On the way out, I had stepped on the grate and it made a metallic knocking noise, as it was slightly loose. When I avoided causing the sound on the way back, Dylan wasn't so wary.