Wednesday Pack Activities
Adventure Pack
Dylan and Sputnik waded through the stream on our way up the Red Rocks Trails from Settlers Park, in a pretty leisurely manner. Dylan lay down in the water a few times, to get a full soak. The pair of them kept discovering trash left on the mountain trails today - first a sandwich bag of water-logged, bloated butterfly crackers. Later, Dylan found a spot under a tree, where someone had left their socks. It appeared they had also left behind the results of having relieved themselves, and Dylan was unfortunately drawn to that particular mess before I shooed him away. There were a few other spots along the way where I noticed aluminum cans and other bits of trash. All the litter at this longtime pack destination was a sad sight.
Variety Pack
Poppy, Rey, and Zoey were all eager to get into Boulder Creek during our walk this afternoon. Unfortunately, the Boulder Creek Path was even more littered than the trails up around Settlers Park. Wanting to avoid tramping through random articles of clothing, food, and various bits of garbage that the dogs might be drawn to, we were unable to find a good place to approach the water until we made it down to Central Park, at the area under the big bridge there. The water is quite a bit lower than it was last week. I stepped out along a few rocks, to let the dogs wade out into slightly deeper waters. They all wanted to head even further into the creek, but thankfully didn't pull so hard as to overcome my balance. The walk itself was pretty pleasant, with a bit of cooler, overcast weather. It was a shame about all the litter everywhere, though.