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Thursday Pack Activities

Adventure Pack

Racer eyed a lone goose intently as we walked by the Kids' Fishing Pond where it was swimming today. She got a little more worked up when it was standing near the path on our return leg. Carl ventured into deeper water than usual when we stopped at the creek, and got his underside well soaked. Griff followed Racer's example and scooped water up with his mouth hanging open. Sputnik took a drink in the traditional manner, lapping it up with his tongue.

Variety Pack

Ruffers, Riley, Dylan and Griff headed to the Goose Creek Greenway by Valmont Park this afternoon. I thought it wouldn't be too bad since the temperature was only reading 87 when we set out, but it continued to climb and the direct sunlight made for a pack of heavily panting dogs before long. We took respite in a shaded, grassy area for a bit before returning to the sunlight to make our way back.

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