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Monday Pack Activities (6/24/2024)

Adventure Pack

Rey had fun boomeranging away from the pack and back while she was off leash, getting Bear and Yoshi more worked up each time she passed close by at high speed, until the two of them ambushed her and they all went a little crazy with each other for a moment. Ruffers kept out of the fray, following close behind the pack and stopping to sniff around a bit and then survey the scenery every now and then.

Variety Pack

Yoshi, Dylan, and Lou all climbed down into Boulder Creek at the beginning of our afternoon stroll, while Alfie and Carl poked around the boulders at the water's edge and got their paws wet. After a minute, Yoshi climbed out and sniffed around with Alfie and Carl. Lou stayed in the shallow water, and Dylan dipped down to get a good soak. The walk afterwards was pretty pleasant, between the cloud cover and the shade of trees along the footpath. At one point during the walk, when the dogs had stopped to sniff around a bit, I noticed what appeared to be part of a peanut butter cookie at the edge of the brush. It somehow escaped the notice of all the busy pack noses, and I hurried everyone along from that spot before anyone was the wiser.


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