Monday Pack Activities
Adventure Pack
The pack tread a brand new trail at the Chautauqua this morning, since the Bluebell-Mesa Trail was just re-routed over the weekend. Before that, Avo enjoyed wiggling down the grassy mountainside on her back during our ascent. Ruffers and Dylan stuck pretty close by throughout. Avo ran around a bit when she had her turn off leash, but she didn't get too wild.
Variety Pack
The prairie dogs were busy chirping away at us from their mounds all along the Goose Creek Greenway this afternoon. Zoey, Lou, Carl and Ruffers perked up at the sounds, but nobody made any attempts to go after them; everyone was locked into formation, keeping pace at my sides. There was one short stretch of the path where Carl and Ruffers pulled off to the side to sniff around a bit. Zoey and Lou joined them to check things out as well when we stopped.