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Tuesday Pack Activities (12/12/2023)

Adventure Pack

Griff and Imogene roamed the trails, which were empty of dogs and people for most of our hike. I only had to call them back once when we were coming up to a couple other dogs. Imogene had been running around in the snow and racing up ahead, which got Arlo a bit excited. Meanwhile, Griff kept a steady position a short distance ahead of me, Arlo and Racer. There was plenty of snow for Racer to munch on today.

Variety Pack

Monkey, Taco, Milo and Carl kept up a pace that matched yesterday's pack walk along Goose Creek Greenway. I was surprised that Taco and Carl didn't insist on making stops to sniff and pee along the way. Monkey did a great job walking in place with the pack. Milo was a reliable walker, as usual - although he did get a bit spooked by some loud construction noises in the distance.

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