Tuesday Pack Activities (6/11/2024)
Adventure Pack
Racer and Arlo took their time at the stream crossing on our way up Saddle Rock Trail this morning, enjoying the water. Imogene and Griff went up ahead a bit. On the way up the mountain, Imogene kept lingering behind and we would all back track a bit to round her up again. Once we reached the peak of our hike, the dogs all enjoyed poking around in the stream a bit. As we started making our way back down, Imogene started sprinting all over the place. Arlo made some playful moves with her when she came near. After getting that energy out, the remainder of the hike was pretty quiet.
Variety Pack
Dylan was quick to take advantage of the kiddie pool at Valmont Dog Park. Meanwhile, Carl found the nearest tennis ball; Ruffers made friends with a young Collie and a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel; Sanni followed me as I checked in with the other pack members. We ventured out into the sun for a lap around the park, stopping to hang out in shaded spots along the way. It's nice that the trees at the park are now big enough to provide real relief from the heat. Sanni entertained herself with one of the extra-large, plastic balls that are still at the park. Carl played plenty of fetch. Ruffers and Dylan made more use of the shade than their ball-obsessed packmates. Some other dogs came and went as we did another lap around the park. Everyone sniffed hello but there wasn't any play between them.