Wednesday Pack Activities (2/14/2024)
Adventure Pack
After our coyote sighting yesterday, I decided to keep all the dogs on leash for the duration of the hike today. Bear and Dylan were pretty interested in the snow, and made many stops to sniff or roll around in it, respectively. Lucy got very excited when we walked past another dog, in the way our younger pack members have often had a tendency to do - thinking of Yoshi and Archie in more recent history. With some more time to mature and practice good manners, I'm sure she'll improve in that regard, like they all have. Ruffers trotted along next to Lucy, showing her an example of how well-mannered one can be. The rest of the time, Lucy did just fine when there wasn't the temptation of another dog to distract her.
Variety Pack
Carl, Buddy, Lumi, Griff and Alfie headed to Bear Creek Greenway for a pleasant afternoon stroll. Alfie's limp was gone. It's nice to see the bare patch on the side of his face is filling back in with fur, as well. Buddy and Lumi were both enjoying the snow banks beside the path. Buddy shouldered down to rub his face and neck in it, while Lumi preferred a plop-and-roll technique. Carl left as many scent marks as he could today, making up for slacking on the job yesterday. Griff was a trusty companion as usual, keeping steady pace at my side and only pulling over to sniff when someone else initiated a stop.