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Monday Pack Activities

Adventure Pack

Roger Roger joined the pack in his brother Rucksack's stead this morning. He indulged in a joy that Rucksack has forsaken for some time now, when he found a stick beside the trail and decided it looked good enough to bring back. Coco and Mamacita dodged him as he ran up and down the trail showing questionable regard for the dimensions of his prize, however modest they were. Before he found the stick, Roger Roger and Coco had been playing tag while Sputnik leapt around beside me and whined at his exuberant packmates in much the style that Mamacita has in the past.

Variety Pack

Coco, Isaac, Stella, and Thompson enjoyed a walk at the CU South Campus trails this afternoon. We were greeted by a very friendly, excitable, submissive, young, female Collie along the way. Thompson stood proudly as the Collie cowered and licked at his chin while wagging her tail profusely. Coco leaned in with curiosity to check out the little bundle of excitement with a sniff. Stella walked up and said hello, but grumbled a little at the young dog's boisterous, wiggly demeanor. Isaac didn't take particular notice of the pup but waited patiently at my side while his packmates said hello.

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