Wednesday Pack Activities (20/23/2024)
Adventure Pack
Lucy pounced at so many grasshoppers in the Chautauqua Meadow today. Meanwhile, Ruffers was busy sniffing and marking countless points of interest. When Lucy had some off-leash time with Bear, she found a stick beside the trail and then played keep-away while Bear chased her around. Bear eventually snagged it, and then Lucy went for a short run on her own.
Variety Pack
Griff, Buddy, Archie, and Alfie walked around Wonderland Lake this afternoon. Alfie was on alert for squirrels and rabbits, and dove toward one of each along the way. Buddy tried diving toward Archie every so often to continue the wrestling match they enjoyed before the walk, but was kept at bay. Meanwhile, Griff was showing his younger packmates how to walk calmly and politely in place. Archie walked beside Griff throughout, hopefully taking notes from his elder packmate.