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Friday Pack Activities (12/13/2024)

Adventure Pack

Yoshi, Alfie and Nelly were happy to hit the trails at the Chautauqua today. There was a shaded bend of the Mesa Trail, where the dogs were very interested in the scents found in the thin layer of snowpack that remains. There wasn't just one spot for them to focus on - they followed their noses all over the place. At the end of our hike, Yoshi and Nelly both got into a playful mood and started jumping and spinning around with each other. Yoshi got a bit carried away, with a wild look in his eyes as he leapt and bucked around.

Variety Pack

Lou, Ruffers, Teo, Carl, Lumi and Alfie strolled Goose Creek Greenway this afternoon. Lumi and Teo enjoyed some wrestling and chewing on each other before the walk. Teo is starting to get better at walking with his packmates. He still needed frequent reminders not to pull ahead, but he was definitely more attuned to the paradigm. Ruffers and Lumi were unhappy with their positions at the beginning of the walk, and ended up swapping sides with each other. After that, they and the rest of the pack all did exceptionally well at staying in formation, which made it easier to address Teo. Alfie perked up at the sight of the prairie dogs, who were out and about on this mild winter day.


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