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Wednesday Pack Activities (1/15/2025)

Adventure Pack

Lucy was especially excited to see her packmates when she joined them in the packmobile today. Bear put up with the flurry of puppy energy, while Ruffers gave several scolding barks to tell Lucy to take it down a notch. When we picked up Tozai next, Lucy's energy level had come down significantly. She wiggled and lay down at the door while Tozai poked his head in and sniffed hello with everyone. Once Lucy backed up to make a little space, Tozai hopped in and we headed to the Chautauqua. We took a slightly slower pace today and made a few more stops along the way, so we didn't get quite as far out as on Monday. Lucy got pretty excited about the other dogs we passed. Bear and Tozai perked up as well, but didn't pull. Ruffers showed the younger ones how to walk by politely. She was slightly stiff at the beginning of the hike, but loosened up as we went.

Variety Pack

Today it was Lumi and Buddy who were making the most of the last bits of snow along our Goose Creek Greenway walk. Lumi sprawled out and rolled in it, while Buddy dove all around him. Meanwhile, Alfie took the opportunity to again munch on some while he and Griff waited for their packmates to carry on. However, as soon as I mentioned treats, everybody stopped what they were doing and stood at attention.


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